Thursday, August 22, 2024

Kahuna Kafe Kaptivates Klode Krowd

 Last Swim:  Friday, Aug. 22, 6 a.m.

 Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromptu" group swims.)    

Water temp: 70.7 per Lydia the Tattooed Lady
Weather: Low 60s at sunrise, slightest zephyr from the SE          
Water Quality/Clarity:  Crystal clear.    
Waves:  Flat, amazing, near-perfect
Kru:  Captain, Mr. Anonymous, Magic Mike, Danny, Ziggy, Cindy, Lt. MJ, Michelle, Showgirl, Tattooed Lady, Sunny Luna Laguna, Fin-Fyn, Hollywood, A la Mode, Michelle's friend (Svetlana?) Dragonfly, sorry if I missed anyone!
SHORE SUPPORT +PLUS:  Kahuna providing waterside cafe service, as well as beach-side coffee and Kringle

Pre-cafe swimmers saluting the sunrise. Photo by A la Mode.

Ahoy! What a welcome sight! Kahuna rolling down to the beach lugging a crate of goodies.  All enthusiastically joined him in celebrating 11 years in business with his own law firm - including never missing a payroll!  This day marked the 10th annual Kahuna cafe.  The cafe typically takes place on August 15, but was postponed this year because of bad weather,  and thus took advantage of near-ideal conditions:  Caressingly warm, flat water with only the slightest of SE breeze and current on the way back--which did manage to chill my arms on every stroke.

As each swimmer churned to shore, the great Kahuna himself stepped out to into thigh-deep water to greet them, cafetiere and cup at the ready, ready to fuel everyone up with freshly-brewed java juice.  As you made your way to shore, you could stop at the rocks on the south side of the iron barrier for more hot brew, a choice of lighteners including cream or half-and-half, and a delicious slice of cherry Kringle. 

Truly, one could get used to this!

Here's to many more years of success, Kahuna, active and responsible citizen of village, state, nation and globe - stalwart upholder of Klode Kru lore and tradition -  both on and off the beach!! 

Thank you again for so generously inviting us all to caffeinate and celebrate with you!!


Lieutenant MJ said...

Thanks for the coffee and treats Kahuna! Great way to cap off a great swim!

Peaches said...

In case folks didn't know, the Point to LaPointe registration opened today. It's already more than half full, so make sure to register soon if you're interested in doing it!

Super Hera said...

Completely sold out. I wonder what's different this year. Spots were open into October last year.

Kahuna said...


Lieutenant MJ said...

I think P2LP has just become really popular. You know “you tell two friends and I’ll tell two friends and so on and so on”. This year the race had beautiful conditions so I’m sure that helped create excitement. There were 600 spots this year and now 650 and a price jump so I guess congrats to Bayfield recreation are in order - they run a great event!

Bikes matter said...
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Bikes matter said...

For those P2LP swimmers, maybe this could be the next challenge.