Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mama Klode's Mother's Day

Next Swims - Noon weekends and 5 pm weekdays?  Sunrise swims anyone?

Last Swim: Mother's Day 2022, Sunday 5/8 @ Noon
Water Temp: 48.2 
Air Temp: 52 cloudy, 15 mph winds to start but then settled down
Waves: 12"-18" swells coming pretty regularly.  
Clarity: Not, dirty and murky near shore, just murky further out
Kru: Lydia TTL, Itch, Brick, Moondaug, Mr Bubble, Diablo late arrival
Near Shore Support - some guy who waded to a depth just below the edge of his Speedo

Today was my first swim of 2022!  Last swim on Christmas Day - too long an absence.

We ambled down to the beach shortly after noon church bells.  It felt a little cold on the way down with some strong winds.  

It's always amusing to eavesdrop on the conversation going on in my brain when I first get in the water on a day like today.  "Are you fucking stupid?  This water is cold AND dirty!" but then the calmer left side replies softly - "Just wait a few minutes.  You'll get used to it and then you'll enjoy it, just like you always do".  

The near shore support guy appeared out of nowhere.  All of sudden, there was, standing still in water that covered was almost up to his Speedo.  Brick and I figured he was some kind of Wim Hofer iconoclast.  Brick called him a Wimp Hofer, I preferred the less judgmental Half Hofer.  

Brick, Diablo and Itch getting ready to head back up

Extra shot of Killepitsch for those who felt like they needed one - thanks Brick!  
The cap to Brick's hip flask went missing for a few seconds until sharp eyed Diablo spotted it.  

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Mother's Day Program
(watch it for at least 20 seconds for the surprise ending)


Magic Mike said...

48.2! That's basically 50. Time to soak the wetsuit and patch the holes. I can feel the chlorine rinsing away from my body as we speak!

Moondaug said...

FYI, Ducky quaked at 46.

Synchro said...

Since it's JULY today, it shouldn't be long before it's swimmable for me!
I'm poking at things in my garden/flower beds, trying to come up with some kind of plan. I need to make a little room. Would anyone like some lily of the valley for transplant? Free or interesting trades considered. I work next weekend, but could bring some to the beach May 21 or 22.

eric jernberg said...


I'd like some L.V.
for transplant