Sunday, May 15, 2022

Getting the Band Back Together

Next Swims - Noon weekends and 5 pm weekdays?  

Last Swim: Sunday 5/15 @ Noon
Water Temp: 49 per itch-o-meter, 51 per duck-o-meter
Air Temp: 63-65, mostly sunny, light winds
Waves: Flat
Clarity: Very clear - you could see bottom
Kru: Itch, Brick, Moondaug, Mr Bubble, Diablo, Mr. A, Showgirl, New Guy Aaron (the other Erin)
Shore Support - Dragonfly and her crutch, Mr. Dribble-G, SOS (Squeeze of Showgirl), We'Taco, Lt. MJ

Great day for a swim!  Water was calm and clear, spring air temperature.  Nice visiting with all the shore supporters.  I didn't get the whole story about Dragonfly's injury - due to an ice skating crash of some kind.  

Conditions were so nice today, we needed to debate what would be the appropriate Killepitsch toast:
"Best Swim of the Season!"
"Nah, that was yesterday"
"Best Weekend Swim of the season?"
"head shake"
Couple of other suggestions that didn't resonate
"A Good Swim" - that resonated

1 comment:

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

Squeeze o Dragonfly is to be known as Mr. Dragonfly