Friday, August 9, 2019

Touching the water and saving bugs

Next swims Friday, 5:30/6:00pm; Sat/Sun, noon

Last swim: Friday 6am
Water temp: somewhere around 65, Pool Noodle’s hand perceived it to be soft
Clarity: very clear.
Waves: flat
Kru: Mr. Bubble, Forger (aka Bug Savior), Pool Noodle, Magic Mike

I got down to the water a little later than the others. I saw Pool Noodle reaching an open-palmed hand out to touch the water. She later told me that it felt soft, which she took to mean she didn’t have to don a wetsuit. I want to learn more about this method. Often there is no thermometer in the morning,  so we rely on less conventional methods of determining the water temp.

That said, the cool water made for a brisk swim. Three of us made the mudslide and returned to Mr. Bubble basking in a warming sun that wasn’t quite enough to make any of us actually warm. Sweatshirts, fleece, and warm towels came in handy. But I wasn’t warm until after I returned from walking the dog two hours later. It was a good feeling to be actually cool until well into the morning hours in the middle of August. Who needs air-conditioning!?

Oh yeah, Forger saved a bug with his goggles.


Mr. Bubble said...

I swear that water must have been 67°, and that it was warmer than the air. The air was 60° according to the thermometer in my van. It's a cold day in hell when the water temp at Klode is warmer than the air

rsm said...

Handyman and NSN went for a swim Saturday morning 9am. NSN estimation of water temp 64-66. Calm. Clear. Lovely.