Sunday, August 11, 2019

Mystery Solved: Aliens Take Our Warm Water and Use It To Power Their Space Ships

Next Swims:  Mon-Fri 6am, Mon-Thurs 6pm, Fri 5:30pm

Last swim: Sunday noon

Water temp: low 60's
Clarity: crystal
Waves: biggish chop out of the south

Crew: Stephanie, We'Taco, Handyman Hank, Liz, Drangonfly, Kim, Mr. Anonymous, Allie, Cap'n, Reid not Reed, Showgirl, Cool Hand Luke, Son o' Cool Hand (aka Simon),Scooby, Mr. Bubble, Itch, Kristina, Brian, Diablo, Amelia, Greg

Shore Support: NSN, Squeeze o'Showgirl,

Amphibious Support: Moondog, Sir James

If you were unable to attend last Wednesday's lecture titled "Where the Warm Water Goes," the answer is in the subject line. Photos below. Kudos to Kahuna for organizing that event.

Spaceship hovering over Lake Michigan

Alien space vessel removing warm water from Klode Beach
We had an awesome turnout for today's noon swim.  Despite the annoying chop and cooler temps, there were several who swam long and far, and many who delighted in their not so long, not so far swims.

Unexpected rewards of the swim: for the second week in a row, Liz graced us with her fantastic home-made treats.  Last week it was brownies, this week it was cookies. What will she bring next week?? I can't wait to find out.

It is extremely likely that I may have your actual name rather than your cool swimming name listed above. Your name may also be misspelled. Other words in this blog may be misspelled.  Because your happiness and satisfaction are my highest priority, please continue to register your complaints at

We also had a super-nice swim Saturday thru much warmer (71F!), flatter, crystal clear water, north through a parking lot of boats.  The crew was small and intimate, but not so small that I can actually remember all the names (Patriarch, Mitch, We'Taco, Pool Noodle, Cool Hand Luke, Laguna, Squeeze o'Laguna, Daughter o'Laguna, Showgirl, others?)


Mr. Bubble said...

A pair of Blue Seventy neoprene shorts were left at the beach. Reliable sources believe they belong to Ried not Reed. I have the shorts now and will bring them along when I come back next time. Probably coming on Monday night.

Moondaug said...

The truth is out there.