Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Swim, Pint, and a Round

Ready to anticipate warm open waters again? Come join Handyman Hank and I tonight,  at Shorewood H.S. swim pool (from 8:10-9:10 ), and afterwards get a pint at Draft and Vessel  while listening to the Irish jam. Perhaps to sing a round to waken the Lady from her cold slumber and welcome in a warmer spring.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Moonie & Hank -- Sorry I missed it. Went for a really long run last weekend, and had to run through way too many icy deep puddles, and I found myself thinking, "hmmm, you know, this water really doesn't feel that cold." Acclimation is the key, and a sure sign of good things to come.

And we have the DNC National Convention in MKE next summer, July 13-July 16 -- an opportunity for us to introduce out-of-towners to the joys and beauty of the Lake, the Killepitsch & the Patriarch.