Sunday, August 28, 2011

Swimming & Puppies

Next Swims: Monday 5:45AM & 6PM

Last Swim: Sunday 8/28 noon
Water Temp mid/upper 60's near shore, 70ish offshore
Waves: playful building 1-3ft (5-10 seconds apart)
Clarity: clearer 200ft from shore
Crew: The Patriarch, Diablo, Gumdrop, Sir James, Kelly, Tony, Marni, Capt'n

Weather conditions this afternoon were similar to Saturday...breezy northeast winds, plentiful sunshine and a seascape littered with whitecaps. What wasn't the same was our location or swim conditions. Klode's beach lies perfectly positioned at the center of a bay while Steve's is closer to the northern point. A long trail of sand filled water could be seen reaching out towards the middle of the bay from the point nearest yesterday's swim location. By comparison, the shoreline at Klode had a smattering of whitecaps cresting over the sandbars and a very narrow stretch of sand filled water just inside the sandbars.

Today was one of those swims that I'd liken to having a puppy. They always want attention and if you attempt to ignore them they effort to gain your attention by frequently tugging and pulling at you. Likewise, with today's swim the Lady of the Lake would seemingly tug at your arms or occasionally pull the water out from under your hand so your stroke would whiff through the air.

Swimming straight took an extraordinary amount of concentration and navigational savvy. But if you were looking for some fun, you were definitely in the right place. The occasional 3ft waves made for ideal launch pads if you enjoy catapulting into the air like a whale. Or if body surfing is your thing, the sandbars along Klode's north beach provided frequent cresting Hawaii-five-O waves that would pick-up your feet and launch you towards shore.

Most of the crew this afternoon swam skin. As was the case yesterday, the sand filled water near shore was considerably cooler then the turquoise water outside of the sandbars. The near shore water today though, was approximately 10 degrees warmer then yesterday. Noticeably absent today was the strong northerly current. A pleasant reprieve from yesterday's workout.

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